
topiaryTo stay looking good year after year and for plants to reach and maintain their potential all gardens need maintenance and the optimum level depends on the type of garden, its size, your needs and your budget.

You may be looking for regular help (once a week, once a month, every 6 weeks – all gardens are different) or maybe just a seasonal blitz a couple of times a year.

Some aspects of garden maintenance I can help you with:

  • Pruning (I just love pruning!)
  • Weeding and deadheading
  • Clearing and preparing borders
  • Border design, planting and replanting
  • Seasonal tidy ups
  • Garden advice

Note that I do not mow lawns or cut hedges – as there are many others (with the right equipment) who specialise in this.

 Garden Design            Planting              Renovation                Garden Maintenance